Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 30, 2024
My Children, AM I the Desire of Your Heart?
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, Apostolate of Mercy in USA on December 20, 2024

1 Thessalonians 2:6-7 We were not looking for praise from people, not from you or anyone else, even though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority. Instead, we were like little children amongst you.
My daughter it is I Jesus, please write.
What is desire?
My children, AM I the desire of your heart?
AM I the desire of your intentions?
Or is the world and all its pleasures your desire?
You must choose…please become like little children seeking their Father.
Do not think that I do not see your hearts, for I do. And I see many that desire the world and not God. Is this lack of knowledge? To some degree yes, but this is lack of love that is not given to each other. The selfishness of humanity is very sinful, and pride plays a role in this because man wishes to become God. You cannot become God because man is not the Creator, for wealth and power cannot give you the respect as God. Only your love for Me and the humility that one has becoming little in My eyes, will fill your heart to desire Me, so then I may form you into My little children.
The world is consumed with the desire for wealth, power and beauty, this is the pleasure of self-gratification which brings about evil intentions and the lack of love for one another. Desire your God, the Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier, this Trinitarian God will bring you desires of your heart, in order to love and be loved. A sacrificial love is what I ask of you to desire, this is a love without limits. Children, please turn your desires away from the worldly and into purity of heart, pleasing God.
Man cannot live with the desire of his heart on the worldly, for only destruction comes and the soul will lose its way and live a life for self. So, one must repent, humble yourself and come back to God, for I am waiting for you with a love that no man can give, never-ending, an unconditional love for you, My children. I am with you always.
Jesus, your Crucified King.
Source: ➥